This month, we start a program to restore agri-forestry. Shade cultivation of coffee has been the main method for decades, but forest cover is mostly sub-optimal. The tress that will be used are indigenous species that have better soil characteristics: nitrogen fixation, root stabilisation and shade provision. Shade increases bio-diversity, reduces the need for fertiliser and pesticides and results in coffee that grows more slowly and is therefore harder.
CARICO will plant 10,000 trees this rainy season on 700 farms in 2 parishes in 1 district, train 10 women and youth to be Tree Ambassadors - they will oversee the program and will run education sessions at the 7 primary schools (almost 5000 pupils) over the next year.
The image above and the first one below show non-indigenous trees planted recently. The rest of the photos show current coverage and seedlings sourced and ready for planting.